The Random Knitter, Crocheter, Spinner etc
I love knitting, crocheting and spinning.
Friday, February 02, 2007
The Random Knitter, Crocheter, Spinner etc
I love knitting, crocheting and spinning.
About Me
- Name: Random Knitter
- Location: Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
I live in England, UK. I have been knitting since I was about 6 or 7, I remember making a pair of gloves and dolls clothes. I made loads of socks as a teenager. My first large project was an aran jumper for my boyfriend and then a crochet blanket which was an enormous granny square done during my A levels which I took to University. I also spin occasionally and belong to the WSD Guild. I have also cross stitched, sewed and quilted at different stages in my life.
Previous Posts
- Samantha's Socks
- Friday 19th January 2007
- Friday 12th January 2007
- Wednesday 3rd January 2007
- Tuesday 19th December 2006
- Thursday 7th December 2006
- Tuesday 21st November 2006
- Thursday 16th November 2006
- Wednesday 8th November 2006
- Friday 27th October 2006

The Yahoo Groups I belong to:

Click to join socknitters

Click to join socknittersSAM

Click to join handknitsocks

Click to join crochetsocks

Click to join crochetuk

Click to join SpinToKnitSocks

Click to join fyberspates

Click to join DyeStudio

Click to join sockamaniacsocknitters

Click to join sockamaniac_sockalong

Click to join townsendsocks
The Podcasts I listen to:
Cast On

Sticks and String
Its a Purl Man

Knitty D and the City
That was clever, I wouldn't have thought of doing it that way, and it's kept the patterning on the main body of the sock perfectly.
Sometimes something has to go wrong, doesn't it, to make us try something new?
I'm so jealous! I frogged my first monkey sock last night. My boyfriend said maybe he'd date you since you can finish a pair of socks. He's so mean!! Wahhhhhhh He did wind the ball as I was unraveling and he kept saying, can't you stop there? what about there? HAHAHA I will try again and I will finish!
Those are pretty. I love the color
I am working on my first Monkey sock
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